is a tri tip, in my country we call it ¨colita de cuadril.¨ I was
removing the fat from it and found these horrible blood clots, there
were too much of them. I decided to take a couple of pictures, though I
hadn´t good light, to use the filters and analyze the structure of fat
and clots.
I´ve got an abstract with nice colors and the texture of fat is emphasize by sharpening the edges. The last one reminds me somehow of one of the monsters in ¨Hellraiser,¨ the fat one with the round dark glasses.
I refer to the one on the right side, ¨Butterball¨
Picture from

Flesh and blood. Carne y sangre by Myriam B. Mahiques is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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