Sunday, January 29, 2017

Decaying Chinese Roses. Rosas chinas decayendo.

Three versions of decaying Chinese roses in a colorful feathers background.
Tres versiones de rosas chinas decayendo, en un fondo de plumas colorido.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Neo-cubist animal.

I'm having a sort of conflict with this acrylic on canvas because it was not intended to be an animal but a non-figurative with a geometric shape. But while I was advancing, the shape took a more organic pattern which I think it was due to the use of the knife. And somehow I saw a couple of  intertwined birds, then it ended up being a weird animal.
I told my associated, take a look, what do you think? I'm going to cover it completely. And he said, no, I like this "animal" and its neo-cubist spirit.
And I replied I didn't like the main structure too much, and he said, the eye is bothering you, let it be, a painting doesn't need to be based on a beautiful thing.
It was horizontal but he said it must be vertical with the eye in the far left corner.
And here it is, I'm not going to scratch it after all. At least not for now.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Deep in the hole. Profundo en el agujero.

These are photos depicting a hole. I´m taking it as an exercise of shapes and textures. I made them with a glass, with water inside, with low light. The glass was on a shell composed by pieces of Mother pearl.
I slighted moved the camera to create the cloudy effect, though it was already created with the low twilight. The shutters were open in a gloomy day.
Most probably I´ll take one of them as a model for an oil or acrylic painting.

Estas fotos muestran un agujero y las tomo como  un ejercicio de formas y texturas. Las hice con la ayuda de un vaso, conteniendo agua, en luz baja. El vaso se posaba sobre un caracol compuesto de piezas de  nácar. 
Apenas moví la cámara para crear el efecto de nubes, aunque ya estaba creado con la penumbra. Las persianas estaban abiertas en un día nublado.
Probablemente tome alguna de ellas como modelo para un óleo o pintura acrílica.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

Coral structure. Estructura de coral.

The beautiful structure of a coral. Perfect mathematics. My picture taken last December.
La bella estructura de un coral. Matemática perfecta. Mi foto sacada el último Diciembre.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Sunset. Puesta de sol

This is a motion picture that I've taken from my Christmas tree; there's a textured light blue glass pan between the camera and the tree. I was focusing on a red decor ball. It reminds me a sunset or an outburst of fire.

Ésta es una foto de movimiento que tomé de mi arbolito de Navidad; hay una bandeja de vidrio texturado celeste entre la cámara y el árbol. El lente enfocaba una de las pelotitas rojas. El resultado me recuerda a una puesta de sol o una explosión de fuego.

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