Mutant Rose. Acrylic on canvas, 9"x12". Pouring technique.
I wanted to do something different and so decided to practice with acrylic pouring technique, which is not that easy as many may think.
First of all, the ideal density and pouring medium must be achieved. Then the combination of colors, and being very careful that they will not be mixed and end up in an ugly brownish mess.
There are different ways to do the pouring and I tried a couple of them, like traveling cup, dirty pour, etc. For now, I prefer a combination of cells, blowing, brush. And the medium, I have tried with glue and Floetrol, with and without water, with and without silicone drops, and alcohol drops as well.
Except for the acrylics on canvas, I will not tell the exact sizes because I cut pieces of photographic paper, carton, foam, to evaluate how the results are after the painting. I do not care too much about the base material, but for the painting per se.
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These birds have been painted on carton, it is the size of a postcard.
This one of multi roses have been painted on corrugated carton, it is approximately 9"x12".