Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Fractures in black and white. Fracturas en blanco y negro

Two ways of seeing fractures in rigid oblique lines. My pictures today.
Dos modos de ver fracturas en líneas rígidas y oblicuas. Mis fotos hoy.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Aquatic birth. Nacimiento acuático.

The birth of other world aquatic animals from a cyan egg. Or just playing Sci Fi in my patio with the tiny flowers that are left. My macro shot yesterday.
El nacimiento de animales acuáticos de otro mundo desde un huevo color turquesa. O sólo jugando Ciencia Ficción en mi patio con las pequeñas flores que quedaron. Mi foto macro de ayer.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Water non figurative. Agua no figurativo

Sometimes the water has these incredible colors. My photo taken at the local park.
A veces el agua tiene estos colores increíbles. Mi foto tomada en el parque local

Branches in transition. Ramas en transición

Tortuous branches in a background transition. My shot today. Yellow filter has been used.
Ramas tortuosas en una transición de fondo. My foto hoy. Filtro amarillo ha sido usado.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A wound, right on white. Una herida, sobre el blanco

A bleeding wound, right on white. My photograph, January 2018
Una herida sangrante sobre el blanco. Mi foto de Enero 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

This is not a hand. Esta no es una mano

Based on Magritte's concept, "this is not a hand". This is a depiction of a hand, precisely my hand grabbing a glass. My shot this January 2018.
Basado en el concepto de Magritte, "'esta no es una mano". Si no es una representación de una mano, precisamente la mía, tomando un vaso. My foto en Enero 2018.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The interesting geography of a spaghetti squash. La interesante geografía de un zapallo spaghetti

He tomado estas fotos hoy al cortar un zapallo spaghetti, los macros me recuerdan una caverna o vestigios arqueológicos. 
I have taken these pictures today while cutting in half a spaghetti squash. These macros remind me a cavern or an archaeological site.


Mickey is a Staffordshire Pitbull therapy dog. He is one of my favorite models.
He is attending swimming classes and I'm investigating how to represent his dynamics, specially when he splashes into the water. He has proved to be a great swimmer!
Acrylic on canvas, 16"x20". December 2017.

Mickey´s head detail.

More paintings of Mickey: 

Gajda. The medicine man

Gajda is a medicine man from Papua, New Guinea. The model has been taken from Kieron Nelson's splendid photograph. I'm thankful to Kieron because this is my first portrait and he allowed me to use this model. More practice is needed but I am still in the process of investigating techniques and color.
Acrylic on canvas, 20"x24"
You are welcome to visit my gallery on Etsy:

Souls escaping from the wild fires. Almas escapando de los fuegos salvajes

Inspired on the wildfires of Southern California in the last months of 2017. This is the way I see the mountains burning and the souls of those who could not make it. My photographs with Canon macro lens, and very low light. January 2018.

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