Saturday, March 26, 2016

Remembering Marilyn Monroe. Recordando a Marilyn

One of my neighbors trashed an old classic poster of Marilyn Monroe. I couldn´t help myself, she looks so beautiful, I took some pictures of the poster, which is in bad condition and full of dust, and finally I decided to take it into my kitchen. I´m not sure what I´ll do with it. Maybe transform it into a piece of art.

A long term relationship with death. Una larga relación con la muerte

Closeness to death is a sad experience, at least in most cultures. But being a whole life dealing with death must be terrible. Accidents, major surgeries, lots of bad diagnosis, miscarriages.... in one single life. Like Frida Kahlo's, who knew how to make fun of her friend Death, having it converted into shocking art, until they finally embraced. I made this composition with a beautiful portrait and a Day of the Dead maraca I have at home, there's light in between to make it ethereal, somehow.

La cercanía a la muerte es una triste experiencia, al menos en la mayor parte de las culturas. Pero tener una vida entera lidiando con la muerte, debe ser terrible. Accidentes, cirugías mayores, cantidad de diagnósticos malos, abortos... en una sola vida. Como la de Frida Kahlo, quien supo burlar a su amiga ¨Muerte,¨ convirtiéndola en arte shockeante, hasta que finalmente se abrazaron. 
Hice esta composición con un bonito retrato de Frida y una maraca del Día de los Muertos que tengo en casa, hay luz de lámpara entre ambos, para hacerlo de alguna forma etéreo.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Glass and ceramic art abstracts

I shouldn´t say ¨abstract¨, given there are depictions of red bell peppers behind the diamond cut glass. These are all photographs of glass on top of a ceramic plate which is on a glass table, the morning sun hitting through a glass sliding door.

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