Friday, September 9, 2011

Fish. Peces

Fish Collage

Been to Avalon with Grey ... been most everywhere;
Chummed with him and fished with him in every Sportsman’s
Helped him with the white Sea-bass and Barracuda haul,
Shared the Tuna’s sprayful sport and heard his Hunter-call,
Me an’ Grey are fishin’ friends.... Pals of rod and reel,
Whether it’s the sort that fights ... or th’ humble eel,
On and on, through Wonderland ... winds a-blowin’ free,
Catching all th’ fins that grow ... Sportsman Grey an’ Me.

From the poem Zane Grey. By W. Livingston Larner. 1919


  1. Miriam el otro día no te pude comentar, quería decirte que me gusta mucho este blog lo disfruto mucho me encantan tus trabajos, este esta muy lindo.

  2. Muchísimas gracias Annie, ambas disfrutamos del arte, en todas sus expresiones.
    Un beso y que tengas un excelente fin de semana!


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