Saturday, April 28, 2018

Organic patterns. Patrones organicos

My acrylic on canvas. 30" x 20"
Abstract Expressionism style.
You are welcome to visit my gallery on Etsy:

Leaves patterns. Patrones de hojas

My acrylic on canvas 16"X20".
Abstract Expressionism
You are welcome to visit my gallery on Etsy:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fractales de Abril. April fractals

This one I see it as a cross section of a kidney with a stone inside

The nights of Broadway. Las noches de Broadway

Getting drunk on the nights of Broadway. Or grabbing a glass of club soda while working....
My close up picture April 19th 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

While sinking with the Titanic

I suppose somebody has seen something like this while finding his final destiny while the Titanic was sinking with her lights on. The broken pieces of the icebergs, the red of the blood, the colorful garments, the coins of the wealthy ones.... This picture was done in my kitchen with a glass bowl containing water, a pink crystal, coins, a white coral.

Red malvon underwater. Malvón rojo bajo el agua

I don´t have a camera to take pictures underwater, nevertheless I have managed to simulate a sinking flower, a red malvón in bright green waters.

No tengo una cámara para sacar fotos bajo el agua, sin embargo me he ingeniado para simular el hundimiento de una flor, un malvón rojo en aguas verde brillante.

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